We have spent the week in a charming little city in southwest Germany called Zell am Harmersbach. Our host family was the lovely Maggie Goette (from cast C 97) and her boyfriend Ralf. And actually, since Mags had to study in Munich Mon-Thurs, Ralf was stuck with us by himself!
We've had lots of pretzels and beer, and a busy week of working on our upcoming cities. Yesterday we had an awesome workshop on poverty and hunger that I will blog about separately (once the other cast has also experienced it...), but it took place in a castle and a monastary, which really added to the atmosphere as we talked about wealth distribution and economic classes.
We also had our first German show, with the audience drinking beer and eating pretzels, and lots of energy and encores! There's nothing like performing for a German audience--- they are so appreciative!
This weekend we are off to Amsterdam for an exciting wedding of two castmates from 1997, and will be rejoining our cast on Monday in the opposite kitty-corner of Germany: Prenzlau, which is on the Polish border.
Right now we are off to have a coffee with Mags before heading on our way to get to the wedding. Tschüß!
Hope you had a good time at Tom's wedding.
And I'm looking forward to seeing you in Leuven!!!
Jeej for Belgium ;)
what an adventure!
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