Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mexican show days

September 6th- I love show days, because the education department isn’t responsible for anything in particular, and are just there to support what all the other departments are doing. We’ve been performing in huge open spaces, baseball stadiums, and here in Tepic at the fairgrounds, and in all locations so far, we’ve set up at least 2,000 chairs. One of the things I love about Up with People is when you get a group of people helping, how quickly you can do something like set up thousands of seats in the glaring sunshine. I’ve spent my last few show days helping out at our merchandise stands, which I really enjoy. It lets me use my Spanish to chat with people about what they think of the show, help them pick out which T-shirts they want, and doing quick math in pesos keeps my brain on its toes. Also, because Matthew, our merchandise coordinator, is also in the show a lot because he has a great voice (and this cast doesn’t have many strong male vocalists) so he needs somebody to guard his stuff. So the past few shows Scottie sits at one of the merch tables and I man the other one. Last night was incredible, as I watched from the back of the amphitheatre, I could see the bright lights of the stage, the moon, and a huge lightning show silhouetted against the mountains. It was a lovely evening, and the few raindrops didn’t deter our audience… in fact, they rushed the stage (mostly to get under the roof that overhung the stage area by just a few feet), but to the cast, it felt like they were rock stars with everyone leaning in so close. The energy at the Mexican shows is just so fun, and last night, the cast got to do its first encore. “Otra! Otra!”

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