- We have 95 students and 16 staff members in Cast A 2008
- We come from 26 countries including Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia, Namibia and many western nations
- Our students are doctors, teachers, college students, non-profit workers and wayward souls looking for inspiration about what to do next

Now, more than ever, the world is in need of leaders who know how to work with others and are committed to making a difference in their communities. That is what we hope to build over the next 6 months as we travel. It is a great challenge, but so rewarding and the best thing that we could be doing with our time right now.
We hope that you enjoy following us as this new journey unfolds.
When we are not working we love to hang out with our wonderful host family, the Stones. We love to cook good food, sit and talk over a glass of wine and of course, watch motocross ;-) Here is our hostdad Jon getting his mullet trimmed up. What a sexy beast!

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